Friday, 07 November, 2014 – News Headlines:

Friday, 07 November, 2014  -( 44˚F / +7˚C –  And we’ve had snow flurries  @ 2:45 pm near Ithaca )-  -( 37˚F / +3˚C –  & raining @ 4:00 pm Closer to Halifax —jda—)-   —  { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson & jim wellington, with help from —jda— }

— Other Media: —

 { This is from the ‘Tweet-Us-Sphere’ : }


#SaveTheInternet, #NetNeutrality at the White House
encrypt things
“Encrypt Things”




Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: Semantics? Misunderstandings? ooops? —  { -jda-‘s NaBloPoMo entry is #1066. Jim’s NaNoWriMo Novel is up to 24,000 words already. }

pres. barack obama
President Barack Obama

-Live- Former NDP staffer’s lawsuit accuses MP Sylvain Chicoine of sexisn  { * “NDP Leader Tom Mulcair was expected to comment on allegations that deputy veterans affairs critic Sylvain Chicoine demonstrated a sexist and misogynist attitude toward former staffer Fabiola Ferro, didn’t deal with harassment by another staffer and fired her without cause. The allegations are made in a lawsuit filed Friday in Ontario Superior Court. Watch Mulcair live starting at 4 p.m. ET” *  —djo—  }

-New- ‘We are not the police’: CBC defends Ghomeshi investigation   { * “CBC’s executive vice-president of English Services Heather Conway is defending management’s handling of the Jian Ghomeshi scandal, saying it was not the role of the broadcaster to investigate someone’s private sex life.” *   —djo— }

-Updated- Obama authorizes sending 1,500 more troops to Iraq   { * – “U.S. President Barack Obama is authorizing the U.S. military to deploy up to 1,500 more troops to Iraq as part of the mission to combat the Islamic State group.” *   —djo— }

Woman who crawled 8 hours for help after crash disputes $700 ambulance charge   { * “A 48-year-old disabled Nova Scotia woman says she has been wrongly charged hundreds of dollars for an ambulance ride after she drove into a ditch, got stuck and then crawled for eight hours to get help.” * *** She crawled to a farmhouse after spending 30 hours trapped in her truck, in a ditch, disoriented, not knowing where she was, and believes she might owe the ambulance that came and got her $124.30 instead of the collision rate they charged at $711.60 – “When I got the bill, I called them and told them that it wasn’t a motor vehicle accident. And they said, ‘Well, that’s the way they do it,'” she said. – “I can’t understand why it’s so much. There was no collision. I told them that and they wouldn’t believe me.” –   —djo— }

===== >>—-> Begin ‘Developing’ flash queue >>—->

Pres. Obama
President Obama looking thoughtful?

Friday: 07 November, 2014 – “Developing News” Flashing Headlines:

CBC executive speaks out about Jian Ghomeshi matter   {  }

U.S. judge approves Detroit plan to get out of bankruptcy  {  }

Canada’s j0bless rate falls to 6.5%, lowest in 6 years   {  }

Ex-military man planned attack on Calgary Veterans Affairs   {  }

U.S. to send up to 1,500 more troops to Iraq   {  }

F-35 purchase by Canada suggested in Pentagon briefing {  }

===== >>—->  End of Flashing headlines <—-<<


Pirate Ship- (?)
Salem Elementary School’s Pirate Ship Classroom.


Avast ye mateys: Pirate ship classroom launches in N.B.  {  }

11-year-old Japanese kid could be the next hockey prodigy  {   }

Big ‘groundhog; fossil from age of dinosaurs rewrites mammal history    {   }

Star Wars sequel title — The Force Awakens — announced, then mocked by fans  {   }

World’s biggest corn maze leaves some ‘so frustrated and so bewildered’ they call 911   {   }



disabled woman
‘Woman who crawled 8 hours for help after driving into ditch disputes $700 ambulance charge.’

“Most Viewed”

Colleen Hopkins, disabled woman, Disputes $700 ambulance charge   { * –  *  —djo— }

Homeless woman fined for building her own home  {  }

Jian Ghomeshi investigation defended by CBC  {  }

F-35 purchase by Canada suggested in Pentagon briefing  {   }

NDP MP Sylvain Chicoine accused of sexism in lawsuit     {  }

Emergency landing at Edmonton International Airport leaves 1 in hospital   {  }

Cerys Yemm dies in reported vicious ‘act of cannibalism’ in Wales   {  }

In eyes of world’s media, Canada has lost its innocence: Jeff Semple   {   }

Calgary skyscraper attack plotter contacted Veterans Affairs for help  {  }

Printmaker makes point with Jian Ghomeshi shirt   {   }

-11 photo slide show- Putin, Pope Francis on Forbes list of 10 most powerful people   {   }

-Blog- Tinder profiles feature sex trafficking victims as part of powerful awareness campaign  { * -This week, the Immigration Council of Ireland launched an innovative Tinder-based ad campaign to create awareness about the crimes behind sex trafficking and prostitution.- *  —djo—  }



Arctic Ground Squirrel


Canadian dollar, stocks, move highter on strong jobs report   {  }

-Analysis- Stephen Poloz, the unintended champion for Canada’s jobless youth: Don Pittis  { * Bank of Canada governor Stephen Poloz may have raised the ire of youth with his comments on unpaid work, but Canada’s chief central banker has given the issue of youth unemployment a much higher profile than if he had spoken in platitudes, Don Pittis says. *  —djo—  }

-New- Woman dies in reported ‘cannibalism’ attack in Welsch hotel room   {   }

-Updated- ‘I’m looking for somebody to help me’: Calgary man accused of skyscraper plot sought help   {   }

Pentagon briefing hints Canada will buy at least 4 F-35s by 2017   {  }

Peter MacKay says he’s seen no harassment in Parliament or his party   { * But Peter MacKay called his ex girlfriend, an MP, a ‘dog’ in public. Tell me that’s not harassment. *  —djo— }

In eyes of the world’s media, Canada has lost its innocence: Jeff Semple    {  }

Searchers given go-ahead to begin looking for Enrick Gagnon at derailment site  {  }

Ontario fines homeless woman for building her own home    { * She thought she was within her rights on Reserve Land, but she was over the border. *  —djo— }

‘Dangerous’ man charged with attempted murder accidentally released   {  }

Scientists gear up to land 1st spacecraft on comet   {  }

-Updated- 1 passenger still in hospital after emergency landing at Edmonton airport   {  }

-Video- Australian cameraman records his own van being stolen at gunpoint   {  }

-New- Couple go for pizza as tortured and beaten 3-year-old lay dying   {  }

-Updated- Security camera captures fatal attack in Hamilton’s east end  {  }

-Must Watch-  Heather Comway interview with Peter Mansbridge    {  }

-Must Watch- Do good walls make good neighbours?    {  * 25 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall there are more barricades in the world than ever. *  —djo—  }

-Must Watch- Aussie carjacking caught on tape   {   }

-Editor’s Pick- Cam a ‘bourbon summit’ make Mitch McConnel and Obama friends?    {    }

-Editor’s Pick- Death and denial in Cape Dorset    {  }

-Editor’s Pick- Marcello Di Cinto says follow Berlin’s example, tear down walls   { * Calgary’s author of Walls reflects on the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall *  —djo—  }



Fredericton police patch
Fredericton police reopen probe of city ‘financial irregularities’

“Local / New Brunswick”

Frederictonpolice reopen probe of city ‘financial irregularities’   {   }

Amherst protesters rally against importing fracking wastewater   {   }

Early French immersion change coming, Serge Rousselle says   {  }

Geriatric clinic for at-risk seniors opens at Moncton Hospital   {  }



AFN Candidates
Assembly of First Nations candidates.

“First Nations”

Three candidates for AFN National Chief   { * “Ghislain Picard, Perry Bellegarde and Leon Jourdaine are the three official candidates in the running to become the National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, a position which Shawn Atleo resigned from in May amid some conflict.” *  —djo— }

AFN national chief candidates address key issues in election  {  }

Ebola fears led First Nation to opt out of Canada World Yourth  {  }

Pictou’s Clean the Mill group releases  soil data  {  }

Aboriginal star hailed as ‘pioneer’ by Soccer Hall of Fame  {  }

Shoal Lake no. 40 gets backing from IJC  {  }

Homeless woman fined for building her own home   {  }

CBC investigation prompts Nunavut health-care review  {  }

Fort Simpson, N.W.T., chief Minnie Letcher dies of meningitis  {  }

Cynthia Blackjack’s mother sues Yukon gov’t over daughter’s death  {  }

Head of B.C. Missing Women Commission says no to national inquiry   { * “Wally Oppal, the commissioner of the British Columbia Missing Women Commission, is saying no to the possibility of a national inquiry into more than 1,100 missing and murdered aboriginal women in Canada.” * *** He says now is the time for action, not an inquiry. ***  —djo— }

Bill Lyall, former Central Arctic MLA, publishes new book  { * “Bill Lyall of Cambridge Bay, Nunavut, was in Iqaluit yesterday to launch his new book, which tells the story of the co-operative movement in the Arctic and himself” *  —djo—  }

-Feature- Nunavut put community’s health ‘at risk’ by mishandling nurse  { * -When a baby in a Nunavut hamlet died of a lung infection in 2012, questions arose about the nurse who allegedly failed to treat him. A CBC investigation reveals a history of complaints about the nurse and a government that refused to fire her.- *  —djo— }

Hydro ‘cautiously optimistic’ about steps to end Jenpeg occupation  {  }

3 deaths in Iqaluit related to prescription Tylenol overdose  {  }

Oskayak high school students hold round dance for missing women  {  }

-Video- Derek Nepinak calls for boycott of Sun Media, Winnipeg Sun newspaper  {  }

Minister of Child Services offers Onigaming support after suicides   {  }

Indigenous physician brings unique perspective to her practice  {  }

Transit rider wants Lift Plus service to Fort William First Nation  {  }

Facing suicide rates on remote First Nations: Why leaving may not be an option {  }

-8 Photos- Kinder Morgan pipeline: First Nations fight back with fish  {  }


{ The ‘First Nations Page’ is actually called ‘Aboriginal’ on the CBC web site, but some First Nations object to that title, so we renamed it here.  —djo— }




{ This is what greeted me this week when I fired up my Twitter pages.  ———djo——— }

Net neutrality tweet
@ Retweeted: @guardiantech by @fightfortheftr
“Hey, don’t look stupid- fix your map” —jda—
Harper’s Approach to Climate Change
Stephen Harper sux big time
“Everybody I know realizes that Stephen Harper is bad news for Canada, bad news for the world. What I cannot understand is how the bleep does he convince his ‘followers’ to buy his bull chips?” —djo—
Ack 11-01-2014
“Income Splitting” = “We take what’s yours, good luck living on what’s left.” The Soundtrack should include Thunderclap Newman. “Because the Rev O Lution’s Now!”
Orwell on war
“George Orwell Quote” = “If you draw your sword, you’ve been bought and sold by the dark side.” -djo-


“Conspiracy Watch” was busy last week. This is one of a dozen similar quotes they posted. I’m not sure whether this was the original word for word phrase that may have been edited since Ben Franklin uttered it, or not. Wouldnt it be weird if we learned that many nuggets of wisdom we cherish were uttered in a drunken stupor? -djo-

{ – “Oh, Dang! There’s just too many good and topical tweets this morning. If we post them all here, we’ll never get to our Daily Schnarr-Fest.” –  —djo— }


 { We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. — & Jim W convinced me to take credit for this, above.  ———djo——— }


 Other Sources:

FFTF Nov 2014
“Call out the instigators, because there’s something in the air-” NEVER Surrender! —djo—
Comcast Horror Stories
Comcast Horror Stories

{  Um, most of the people I know would have told you to ignore Comcast if they were trying to double bill you. Don’t cave in to ice-holes – when you do, they win. When they win, they come down harder on their next victim. You aided and abetted their extortion operations.  —djo— }

War Is Terrorism
War Is Terrorism

{   “Anyone who would give up a little liberty for a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” —Benjamin Franklin   }

{ “Any politician, police, military, or would be authoritarian of any stripe, who would capitalize on an event like yesterday’s in Ottawa: clearly does not deserve any respect at all, let alone the authority they demand.” — douglas j otterson }

 { Here’s a quote for you, not about yesterday and Ottawa but the philosophy applies: “The critical studies about #Ferguson in a decade will be fascinating. Because we are building this plane as we fly.” —deray mckesson }



{ “Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies” —Thomas Jefferson }

French Cartoon.
“What can one do to reduce the fear of terrorism?” / “Click!”


{ “On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
Where the foe’s haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o’er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning’s first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines in the stream:
‘Tis the star-spangled banner, O! long may it wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

2nd verse of  “Defence of Fort M’Henry” By Francis Scott Key }


70,000 dead fish in Ohio.
Tweeted, “It is the legeslators who should go to Jail for this-” 70,000 dead fish in Ohio? —Frack Halliburton?—


{  5:45 pm EST — We are Ready to Rock and Roll —  — & Thanks again for your help, Jim W,  ( especially since he is still working today with a bruised rib, which makes it painful to do simple things, like scroll or click with a mouse- = ouch! )   — Also  thanks to “—jda—“     ———djo——— }

Tuesday, 04 November, 2014 – News Headlines:

Tuesday, 04 November, 2014  -( 64˚F / +17˚C –  & cloudy, at the moment  @ 3:45 pm near Ithaca )-  -( 43˚F / +6˚C –  Snow on the ground, mostly grey sky overhead & the moon is already out @ 4:45 pm Closer to Halifax —jda—)-   —  { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson & jim wellington, with help from —jda— }

— Other Media: —

 { This is from the ‘Tweet-Us-Sphere’ : }

2 deer in the snow on a grey morning.
@ 8:15 am there were 4 deer up the hill, closer to our neighbour’s back feeding spot. Only 2 of them took the chance to come down to sample the oats I threw out to them.  —jda—

{ This is what greeted me this morning when I fired up my Twitter pages.  ———djo——— }

“Hey, don’t look stupid- fix your map” —jda—
Harper’s Approach to Climate Change
Stephen Harper sux big time
“Everybody I know realizes that Stephen Harper is bad news for Canada, bad news for the world. What I cannot understand is how the bleep does he convince his ‘followers’ to buy his bull chips?” —djo—
Ack 11-01-2014
“Income Splitting” = “We take what’s yours, good luck living on what’s left.” The Soundtrack should include Thunderclap Newman. “Because the Rev O Lution’s Now!”
Orwell on war
“George Orwell Quote” = “If you draw your sword, you’ve been bought and sold by the dark side.” -djo-


“Conspiracy Watch” was busy last week. This is one of a dozen similar quotes they posted. I’m not sure whether this was the original word for word phrase that may have been edited since Ben Franklin uttered it, or not. Wouldnt it be weird if we learned that many nuggets of wisdom we cherish were uttered in a drunken stupor? -djo-

{ – “Oh, Dang! There’s just too many good and topical tweets this morning. If we post them all here, we’ll never get to our Daily Schnarr-Fest.” –  —djo— }


 { We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. — & Jim W convinced me to take credit for this, above.  ———djo——— }


 Other Sources:

FFTF Nov 2014
“Call out the instigators, because there’s something in the air-” NEVER Surrender! —djo—
Comcast Horror Stories
Comcast Horror Stories

{  Um, most of the people I know would have told you to ignore Comcast if they were trying to double bill you. Don’t cave in to ice-holes – when you do, they win. When they win, they come down harder on their next victim. You aided and abetted their extortion operations.  —djo— }

War Is Terrorism
War Is Terrorism

{   “Anyone who would give up a little liberty for a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” —Benjamin Franklin   }

{ “Any politician, police, military, or would be authoritarian of any stripe, who would capitalize on an event like yesterday’s in Ottawa: clearly does not deserve any respect at all, let alone the authority they demand.” — douglas j otterson }

 { Here’s a quote for you, not about yesterday and Ottawa but the philosophy applies: “The critical studies about #Ferguson in a decade will be fascinating. Because we are building this plane as we fly.” —deray mckesson }



{ “Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies” —Thomas Jefferson }

French Cartoon.
“What can one do to reduce the fear of terrorism?” / “Click!”


{ “On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
Where the foe’s haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o’er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning’s first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines in the stream:
‘Tis the star-spangled banner, O! long may it wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

2nd verse of  “Defence of Fort M’Henry” By Francis Scott Key }


70,000 dead fish in Ohio.
Tweeted, “It is the legeslators who should go to Jail for this-” 70,000 dead fish in Ohio? —Frack Halliburton?—


{ Everything above this line should probably be on a separate page — Or a Separate ‘Sticky Post’ – But we keep seeing things that look and feel too important to ignore — & Below this begins our usual CBC News Headlines }



Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: New salt in old wounds? / Fear Mongering .201- If you have no new atrocities to report- keep the old ones alive and make them ever more scary?

Jonathan Vance in Uniform
Canada’s ISIS bomb attack destroyed heavy engineering equipment.

-Live- Canada’s ISIS bomb attack destroyed heavy engineering equipment  { * “Canadian fighter jets helped to destroy heavy engineering equipment that was being used to divert the Euphrates River to flood areas nearby while denying water to Iraqi civilians further away, Lt.-Gen. Jonathan Vance said Tuesday.” *  —djo—  }

-Updated- CBC names lawyer Janic Rubin to lead Ghomeshi investigation   { * “CBC has named employment lawyer Janice Rubin to lead an independent investigation into allegations of violent attacks against women by fired radio host Jian Ghomeshi” * & The photos they publish along with stories that he appears in are looking worse and worse.  —djo— }

-Updated- Ottawa temporarility extends health care to most but not all refugee claimants   { * “Immigration Minister Chris Alexander says the federal government will temporarily restore health-care coverage to the majority of refugee claimants pending the outcome of an appeal at the Federal Court.” *  }

An all-Canadian wine store? In Tokyo, it’s a hit   {  }

===== >>—-> Begin ‘Developing’ flash queue >>—->

teen working at target?
“Alex from Target”

Monday: 03 November, 2014 – “Developing News” Flashing Headlines:

CF-18s hit equipment nears ISIS dam used to flood villages   {  }

Canadian jets conducted strikes on 4 targets on Sunday    {  }

Ottawa to comply with court order on refugee health care   {  }

Heralth care to be given to pregnant refugees, among others   {  }

Ottawa teen gets 6 1/2 years for running prostitution ring    {  }

Visa, MasterCard agree to cut fees they charge merchants {  }

Scotiabank to cut 1,500 jobs, including 1,000 in Canada   {  }

===== >>—->  End of Flashing headlines <—-<<


Bert & Ernie


Sunny Day! Sesame Street turns 45  {  }

#AlexFromTarget: Teens on Twitter turn Target employee into viral sesation  {   }

Prince not playing Massey Hall tonight, promoter says    {   }

Much ado about poo: Scientists find virus DNA in 799 year old caribou dung   {   }




SpaceShip Wreckage in the Mojave Desert in Southern California.

“Most Viewed”

Jian Ghomeshi probe: Cbc names lawyer Janice Rubin to lead investigation   {  }

Canada’s ISIS bomb attack destroyed heavy engineering equipment  {  }

Lena Dunham’s sister, Grace Dunham, confronts sex abuse claims   {  }

Canadian dollar sinks below 88 cents as Saudis cut oil to $77 a barrel   {   }

Kaily Oliver-Machado, Ottawa teen prostitution ringleader, getrs 6 1/2-year adult sentence    {  }

Jamie Paquin’s Tokyo store thrives selling only Canadian wines   {  }

Prince not playing Massey Hall tonight, promoter says   {  }

Virgin Galactic pilot actions studied in spaceship crash   {   }

Brock University students in blackface wih Halloween contest   {  }

ISIS dump truck may have been target of first Canadian air strikes in Iraq   {   }

-8 photo slide show- Virgin Galactic SpaceShip2 crash site in Mohave Desert   { * & It was announced on television news that investigators ruled out an explosion due to the new experimental fuel mix they were using. *  —jim w—  }

-Blog- #AlexFromTarget: Teens on Twitter turn Target employee into viral sensation  {   }




Luka Magnotta showed signs of paranoid schizophrenia, says psychiartrist  {   }

From joints to GMOs: U.S. midterm ballot measures are a mixed bag   {   }

-New- Judge’s compassion in Ron Francis case raises awareness of PTSD   {  }

-Exclusive- Alison REdford could face criminal charges, review finds    {  }

Loonie sinks to 5 year low as Saudis slash oil to $77 per barrel   {  }

Actor Lena Dunham’s sister, Grace Dunham, confronts sex abuse claims    {  }

Ottawa teen prostitution ringleader gets ‘rare’ adult term of 6 1/2 years  {  }

Pilot’s survival a mystery in Virgin Galactic spaceship crash    {  }

Scotiabank to cut 1,500 jobs, including 1,000 in Canada   {  * Here’s a question for ya- How much is that going to cost the economy of Canada and Canadian taxpayers? If you’re going down the slippery slope of corporate fascism I bet you don’t want anybody asking questions like that. *  —djo— }

-Video- Philadelphia woman abducted off dark street, yelling for help   {  }

Want a fee trip around the world? If your name is Elizabeth Gallagher, you may be in luck   {  }

-Updated- ‘Donning blackface for Halloween is never OK’: Outcry over students’ Jamaican bobsled costumes   {  }

-Video- Eating bugs in Belgium – Are insects the food of the future?    {   }

Visa, MasterCard agree to limit merchant fees    {  }

Date-rape drugs may not be as prevalent as you think   {  }

-Must Watch-  Carlesha Freeland-Gaither, 22, abducted off Philadelphia street, still missing    {   }

-Must Watch- Insect cuisine in Belgium    {   }

-Must Watch-  Museum of the Rise of the Machines opens in Russia   {   }

-Editor’s Pick- Show us how you will remember    { * “Be a part of special coverage on CBC News Network and online” – The show a photo of several veterans wearing their medals on Remembrance Day *  —djo—   }

-Editor’s Pick- Virgin crash: the tech moguls behind the race for commercial space travel    { * “Space tourism industry is shaken by the Virgin Galactic crash, but tech titans still seek lift-off.”  —djo— }

-Editor’s Pick- 5 myths about sexual violence   { * “Sexual violence is more systemic than monst Canadians believe.” *  —djo—  }



“Radio-Canada meteorologist Bill Bourque forecast up to 30 cm of snow could have hit New Brunswick this last Sunday.” —jimw—

“Local / New Bruswick”

PTSD Awareness raised by judge’s compassion in Ron Francis case   {   }

Gary Keating will return 3-week MLA pay   {  }

Power almost fully restored in Moncton after major outage   {  }

Campbellton locks out city workers after contract talks fail   {  }




Becky Big Canoe
First Nations seek justice.

“First Nations”

Environment Minister: ‘I don’t support a total ban’ on Baffin Island caribou   { * “Nunavut’s Environment Minister Johnny Mike says he doesn’t support the idea of a total ban on hunting Baffin Island caribou.” *  —djo— }

-Updated- Winnipeg Sun calls First Nations’ boycott ‘disappointing’  { * “The Winnipeg Sun says it’s disappointed to learn Manitoba’s top aboriginal leaders are calling for a boycott of the newspaper and its parent organization, Sun Media, citing editorial content that they say discriminates against indigenous people” *  —djo— }

D-Day veteran’s death leads to war with Direct Energy  { * “Linda Denison phoned Direct Energy days after her father’s funeral to close his account. She was reassured the power would be shut off by the end of the month. The company then mailed her a bill: $420 for an “early termination fee.” *  —djo—  }

-Opinion- Funds desperately needed for First Nations fire protection  {  }

‘It’s heartbreaking,’ Winnipeg’s Bannock Lady says after son bullied  {  }

Winnipeg mayor, council to be sworn in after aboriginal elder blessing  {  }

-Opinion- Kahnawake First Nation attacking the human rights of its citizens  {  }

Washington Redskins controversy: Protesters ramp up pressure at Vikings game  {  }

Manitoba teacher recognized for interactive teaching of First Nations students  {  }

Indigenous physician brings unique perspective to her practice  {  }

First Nations take action in alleged killings of 3 aboriginal boys, 50 years ago  {  }

-7 Photos- Arviat youth use art workshops to discuss difficult topics  {  }


{ The ‘First Nations Page’ is actually called ‘Aboriginal’ on the CBC web site, but some First Nations object to that title, so we renamed it here.  —djo— }


{  6:30 pm EST — We are Ready to Rock and Roll —  — & Thanks again for your help, Jim W,  ( especially since he is working today with a bruised rib, ouch! )   — And  thanks to “—jda—“     ———djo——— }

Thursday, 11 September, 2014 – CBC News Headlines:

{ Copied and Pasted from ‘Future Vision’ — Thanks, again, Jim —  ———djo——— }


Thursday, 11 September, 2014  -( 68˚F / 20˚C –  & overcast ‘somewhere east of Ithaca @ 9:33 am Atlantic Time )-

{ We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }

{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news. —Thanks. ———djo——— }

{ Doug asked me to at least start today’s News Headlines, he’s tied up at work- Again- —————Jim }


Bear with pole and flag on putting green
Golfers at a British Columbia resort ‘were surprised to find their putting green turned into a playground by this baby bear.’ – who danced with a pole and made off with a golf ball.-


Lead Articles:

-Live- Oscar Pistorius cleared of murder charges, lesser finding possible   { “Premeditated murder ruled out-”  But the judge adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9:30 am, their time, when she might ‘let the other shoe drop’ —jim }

Dominatrix booted from Senate hearing on prostitution bill   { -She was feisty- and said that if they passed the bill the way it is, she would make sure they forgot all about the Mike Duffy matter by releasing names and details she has on politicians.  }

B.C teachers vote 99.4% in favour  of binding arbitration   { }

Obama outlines U.S. strategy to ‘ultimately destroy’ ISIS   {  }

Rob Ford undergoes tests after abdominal tumour found   {  }

CRTC hearings: How the outcome could affect your cable and internet bill   { ‘experts’ say whatever proposals Canada’s broadcast regulator adopts, it will still hit Canadians in the pocketbook. —jim }

-Analysis- Travelling to the U.S.? Beware the police cash-grab: Neil Macdonald   { “Across America, law enforcement officers – from federal agents to state troopers right down to sheriffs in one-street backwaters – are operating a vast, co-ordinated scheme to grab as much of the public’s cash as they can, writes Neil Macdonald.”  – & I found that out the hard way on my way to my sister’s funeral in March of 2007 —jim }




Couple looks at statue of aroused devil in Vancouver.
“This statue was not commissioned by the city of Vancouver and was removed, but not before a lot of commuters and other Vancouver citizens got a good look at it. When they described it as ‘horny’ they weren’t referring to the horns on his head.”

Baby bear dances with flag, makes off with ball on B.C. golf course   {  See the photo at the top of today’s stuff?  —jim }

Hilarious homemade ‘Apple Watch’ designs flood Twitter   { There’s a photo of this below.  —jim  }

Devilishly naked statue erected near Vancouver SkyTrain line   { See ‘tastefully’ blocked photo above —jim }

Flinging elastic bands could land students in academic journal   {  }



“Most Viewed”

Oscar Pistorius cleared of murder charges, finding of culpable homicide possible   { I saw a tweet about this earlier –  “If found guilty of culpable homicide [manslaughter] he could be sentenced to up to 15 years in prison – But there is so much going on this morning in “Tweetland” — I can’t find that tweet again.  —jim }

American shake down: Police won’t charge you, but they’ll grab your money   { *** They did charge me- I was probably going one mile an hour over the speed limit – downhill on Route 91 south through Vermont on my way to my sister’s funeral – when they pulled me over – I thought I was getting out of their way while they chased after somebody else- nope- the Canadian plates must have tweaked their radar- then they lied about the speed on the ticket. Cathi had me drive 20 miles out of our way to pay the ticket before we returned. & on a Saturday morning, with no “No Parking” signs visible- we parked with several other cars outside an open building, went in and paid the ticket and came back outside to find a parking ticket on our windshield. —Sigh, no reason to get frustrated or angry — They will implode and not enjoy the rest of their lives — I don’t even want to think about it.  —jim }

Rob Ford’s tumour diagnosis and the future of Toronto’s race for mayor   { I’d still vote for Michael Moore, or maybe, more likely, Olivia Chow- but I’m nowhere near Toronto, thank goodness.  —jim }

Joe Oliver set to announce EI premium cut to boost hiring   { Joe Oliver is the current federal government’s Finance Minister – Sounds like somebody’s trying to buy votes for the Conservative side in local elections and in next year’s federal election.  –  —jim }

Scotland referendum no longer about keeping calm and carrying on    { Yes, we noticed yesterday that the British PM and others were starting to sling mud and verbal arrows at the possibility that they might succumb to outrageous fortune for the ‘Crown’ — The vote will take place next week.  —jim }

University of Toronto math student attacks prof with knife   { and yesterday’s tweet of the day was “from @ConspiracyWATCH – “The first thing a tyrannical government does is control learning” —jim }

Ford car makers wear ‘age suits’ to design for older drivers   {  }

9/11 anniversary: National September 11 Museum open for 1st time   { & There were lots of tweets of American flags being unfurled in odd places this morning  —jim }

-13 photo slide show- Scotland independence vote looms   {  }

-Blog- Olive Garden’s ‘7 weeks of unlimited pasta for $100’ promo goes horribly awry   { 1,000 tickets for ‘7 weeks of unlimited pasta, soup, salad and cola’ went on sale for $100 U$ each — and apparently a lot more than 1,000 people who couldn’t get in on the bargain were not very happy about it.  —jim }




U.S. will pursue ISIS into Syria, Obama vows in new strategy   { Which was forecast years ago by ‘psychic spies’, remote viewers, and scientific types who had learned to catch on to future catastrophes and other not so pleasant events.   —jim }

Franklin ship searchers recall ‘Stanley Cup’ moment of their discovery   { And last night, a tweet accused Prime Minister Stephen Harper of trying to take credit for the discovery when First Nations people in the area told them it was there a long time ago and nobody listened to them.  —jim }

Putin orders Russian military to perform combat drill in east   { The ‘drill of combat readiness’ involved 65,000 troops in the Volga region and the Ural mountains. In May, Russia and China held a joint naval exercise in the East China Sea.  —jim }

9/11 anniversary: Sadly familiar rituals, but signs of change at WTC site   { And more people all the time are realizing that those buildings could not have fallen straight down like they did if what had happened was just the result of two jets hitting two buildings. AND nobody who had such limited training on much smaller propeller type planes could have steered those jets so accurately into those buildings.  grrrrr —jim }

-Updated- Israel-Gaza conflict: Human rights group blasts Israel for attacks on UN schools   { Yes, and tweeters went nuts with accusations of crack downs in other parts of Israel – and a couple ‘voices’ are ‘pointing fingers’ at Hamas for shooting off rockets from school buildings and seeming to have total disregard for the lives of their own people. This one seems to be a lose-lose-lose situation. Nobody can win, no matter what. —jim }

NFL launches probe into handling of Ray Rice evidence   {  }

Pretty picture of the sun, colorized and filtered?
“The Solar Dynamics Observatory captured an image of the solar flare in progress.”
Man with a green apple on his wrist
“Humourous take on Apple’s latest gadget.”

Solar flare could prompt brilliant Northern Lights display   { And when I was in Alaska, I learned that Native Alaskans believe that brilliant Northern Lights displays are not a good omen.  —jim }

-Must Watch- Winter is coming, unless you’re in Alberta   { Where,  I guess, this headline leads you to believe that winter is already here.  —jim }

-Editor’s Pick- Apple Watch looks cool, but it’s a risky bet on fashion   { The photo of the apple on somebody’s wrist is not the new gadget from Apple.  —jim   }

Gmail address leak ‘not the result of a b reach of Google systems,’ says company   { “A list of almost five million Gmail addresses and passwords culled from various websites was posted on a Russian only forum Tuesday” The Russian forum is called “Bitcoin Security” && there is also a link there to earlier articles, such as >>—-> Password hack nets 2 million Facebook, Twitter users <—-<< That should be a real link. —jim }



“Local / New Brunswick”

Talking to young people key in slowing outmigration, expert says   {  }

 Leaders spar over debt, abortion in 2nd election debate  { 😦 I missed this one, it’s probably online —jim }

St. George decides to keep RCMP service   { *** While I was in Ontario, the town council whose meetings I taped, edited and rebroadcast for a local cable teevee channel – held several special meetings mulling over whether to keep the OPP – Ontario Provincial Police – service they were getting, which raised their prices considerably every year and refused to give the town the details they asked for – The town’s options included going on without a contract – Not having a contract had saved the town half a million dollars in four years- They also considered creating their own municipal police department. They ultimately chose to go on without a contract.  —jim }

New Brunswick should be ‘nervous’ about future outmigration   {  }

-New- Moose-related collision near Saint-Louis-de-Kent claims third life   {  😦 }

New traffic light in Hanwell has some seeing red   {  }

Recruiting female MLAs must be a priority, leaders agree   { “MLAs” = Members of the Legislative Assembly = more or less the equivalent to a State Representative in the U.S. }

-New- Rare North Atlantic right whales spotted off Cape Breton   { Cape Breton is the northern part of Nova Scotia.  —jim }



{ 12:04 pm = checking for typos etc. — Sending email to Doug and pushing the ‘Publish’ button locally @ 12:34 pm Atlantic Time  —jim }  { 11:45 am in Ithaca = Looks good, I’m posting it. ———djo——— }

Battle for the Net, and other tweets and linked-in-edness

Wednesday – It’s Battle for the Net Day –

Looks like an ad for an action Thriller.
“Team Cable is spending Millions to destroy the open internet. Stop them:”

Well- We have some twitter and LinkedIn stuff to post here – The one above is 588 pixels wide, I think, we may have to shrink it down- we’ll see.

Battle for the Net.
Not all WordPress Blogs will compress this –

Other tweets:

Tweets @ 598 pixels wide
This is from Half Past Human dot com, guys-

Clif is one cool dude -Love his tweets-

Some participants in the battle for internet neutrality listed
Some participants in the Battle for Net Neutrality. Fascists want to control you. Lefties want to set everybody free.

& One more? did I get it?

& an encouraging note from the guys at half past human dot com. The bad guys are about to circle around and go after each other like a school of rabid piranhas.

{ Should I sign this? ———djo——— }

Wednesday, 10 September, 2014 – CBC News Headlines:

{Copied and Pasted from “Future Vision” ———Thank You, Jim, *Emergency at my night-time ‘day job’ 😦 * }


Wednesday, 10 September, 2014  -( 55˚F / 13˚C – clear, cool & breezy ‘somewhere east of Ithaca @ 11:11 am Atlantic Time —jim )-

{ We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }

{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news. —Thanks. ———djo——— }

{ Doug asked me to at least start today’s News Headlines, he’s tied up at work- —————Jim }


Link to Special Report on today’s Internet Slowdown, by Evan Greer @ the guardian   >>—-> Article on Net Neutrality, by Evan Greer


Fire fighter clearing snow-laeden branches from power lines in Calgary.
Up to a foot of snow was forecast for Calgary on Yesterday’s Weather Network updates- the weather guy said he couldn’t guarantee power outages, but they were probably likely.


Lead Articles:

-New- ‘Miserable Calgary snowstorm downs power lines, causes travel alerts   { See Photo above — Jim   }

British PM says if Scotland leaves UK, they leave pound   {  }

Obama to outline military, political efforts to fight ISIS   {  }

Canadian special forces advisers already in Iraq, MPs told   {  }

Ex-SNC Lavalin VP charged with fraud re: Montreal hospital   {  }

Franklin ship discovery opens ‘new chapter in the mystery’   {  }

Home Depot security hack: What to do if your cards are breached   {  }

5 things Obama needs to address in tonight’s ISIS strategy speech   {  }



boy on a beach with an arrowhead in his hand.
Nova Scotian -Jack Milloy- with his 1500 year old arrowhead.


‘Superhero’ tow truck driver catches thief in daring confrontation { * & If you think about it- we see everyday ‘Superheroes’ everywhere we go -maybe somebody needs to acknowledge more of them ————Jim }

Anna Wintour’s old-school flip phone sparks conversation about ‘tech shaming’ { Anna Wintour is Vogue’s editor-in-chief. This article says she is well-known for keeping up with what’s hot and cool in fashion, but maybe she relaxed a bit too much when she allowed herself to be seen using an older cell phone? Why doesn’t somebody wonder if she isn’t making a fashion statement? Maybe the retro phone belonged to somebody else who had to share something with her on the spur of the moment? Maybe she almost got herself beamed up to to the Starship Enterprise? }

A better way to keep ice cream creamy? Add okra slime   { Sounds awful- like the latest variation on pink slime? But okra, with its slimy texture is a pod-like vegetable that is popular in the Southern U.S. and South Asia.  In India and Pakistan it is often deep-fried to un-slime-ify it? < my weird grammar —jim— > & In Louisiana, it is used in gumbo as a thickening agent. Canadian scientists are looking into adding the vegetable to frozen treats as a natural stabilizer. What’s so “Offbeat” about something like that?   }

1,500-year-old arrowhead found by Nova Scotia boy   { & I can see why Doug gets sidetracked while going through this stuff, there’s a lot here that is very interesting. —jim }



“Most Viewed”

Canadian Tire money – love it, hate it, can’t bear to throw it out: Don Pittis   { I think I heard that Canadian Tire will be changing the look of some of its Canadian Tire money and might be coming out with an electronic/digital version that can be loaded onto ATM cards. —jim }

Sex and back pain: University of Waterloo study suggests best positions to spare  your spine   { And you thought Masters and Johnson were racy?  —jim }

Calgary snowstorm knocks out power to parts of city   { See above? }

Justin Bieber booed at Fashion Rocks in Brooklyn   { I remember being his age and feeling like every adult on earth was part of a conspiracy to make my life unbearable. Multiply that times a thousand and maybe that’s what if feels like to be Justin Bieber right about now- living in goldfish bowl under a super duper media microscope? -Give the kid a break already-  —jim }

Scotland Independence vote: U.K. PM David Cameron begs for unity   { Polls must not be going his way? Suddenly there’s a lot of anxious rhetoric going on over there.  —jim }

Nude man bites police dog after wild car chase   { -Why isn’t this in the “Offbeat” section? }

Le Château rocked by brutal competition: Dianne Buckner   { Dianne Buckner hosts ‘Dragons’ Den’ on CBC teevee and covers entrepreneurs for the CBC- Le Château is a 55-year-old women’s fashion retailer whose founder claims he introduced bell-bottoms to Canada in the 70’s – The chain has 226 stores, 2,600 employees and boasts tht almost 35% of its production is done in Canada – They’re worried about their stock prices dropping recently – They’ve been ‘re-branding’ during the last couple years, hoping to lure ‘older- more sophisticated’ customers into their stores. So maybe it’s not the end of their world? — & I’m feeling like I’m in over my head trying to understand anything to do with the fashion world— —jim }

Canadian university costs to rise 13 per cent over 4 years: report   { —Coincidence? : This headline is sitting across from a tweet from @ConspiracyWATCH – “The first thing a tyrannical government does is control learning”  — We should figure out if we can add one of those twitter update widgets to our blogs here? —jim  }

-10 photo slide show- Franklin expedition ship discovery   { Last night someone asked why Stephen Harper was so hot about this issue – Maybe he thinks it strengthens Canada’s claims to the ‘Northwest Passage’ which is thawing out lately with this ‘not-really-global-warming’ climate change. }

Tweet from the Nation
The Nation joins Internet Slowdown.

-Blog- Netflix, Reddit join ‘internet slowdown net neutrality protest  { & the Nation joined, too – & I’m getting a lot of action on my twitter feed today. Most of it is along the lines of “Stand Up for Internet Freedom” & Other stuff from “Fight for The Future”, including: “This is why your internet is slow. It will get worse, unless we stop it now: #InternetSlowdown ”




David Cameron says Scottish independence would break his heart   {  }

Students need deeper pockets to afford soaring university fees, report says   { And Canada is not the victim of the U.S. style student load conspiracy — not yet? —jim }

Judge to unveil verdict in Oscar Pistorius’s murder trial {  }

Inmates and suicide: Prison watchdog’s report looks at shortcomings in prevention   {  }

All in the wrist? Apple Watch, iPhone 6 models unveiled   { -& the iWatch is not a stand-alone thing, you would have to have an iPhone to make it work. Doug’s right, we expected better from Apple. —jim }

Pot use by teens linked with harmful effects in young adulthood   { —Um, one of my friends yelled out “Every alcoholic I ever met started out on milk!” during an anti-pot talk in school. I know people who survived their teens only by using pot to escape from family and social pressures. I know a few people who never outgrew it- some who might have stopped growing intellectually and/or emotionally and/or ‘morally’ because of pot use- but I have no idea whether they would have grown/developed any better without it. —jim }

David Soknacki quits Toronto mayoral race  { And yesterday Doug found the suggestion that Michael Moore should run for mayor of Toronto. I don’t know if he could, but THAT would be interesting.  —jim }

-Must Watch- Man survives flood    { This video shows a van and person being swept into a ravine in or around Las Vegas, Nevada, USA – }

-Must Watch- Mike Tyson and Rob Ford   {  }

-Must Watch- Toronto house collapse   { A home being renovated in Toronto collapsed on three men who were working in the basement. One of them died. 😦 }

-World- Ukraine promises more autonomy to rebellious east   {  }

-World- India, Pakistan floods endangering thousands due to river breach   {  }

-Canada- Lightning strike burns N.L. ski resort lift   { “N.L.” = Newfoundland & Labrador }

-Canada- Organized crime-related arrests in Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia  {  }

-Politics- NDP plots strategy of ‘contrast’ to tackle resurgent Liberal Party   {   }

-Politics- Renowned dominatrix briefs Senate on revised prostitution bill   { -Who says Canadians don’t have fun? Wouldn’t it have been great to be a psychic fly on the wall feeling all the politicians reactions to this one? —jim }

-Politics- Iraq crisis: Canadians on the ground in Iraq, Rob Nicholson says   {  }

-Business- Half of Canadians could not survive a 1-week pay delay   {  }

-Health- Payments to Canada’s doctors reach $22.8 Billion   {  }

-Health- Slash added sugar intake, heart group advises Canadians   { & I found that headline awkward to understand, maybe ‘Cut back on sugar’ would have been more clear? —jim  }

-Health- Ebola death toll rises to 2,296, WHO reports   {  }

-Arts & Entertainment- Catherine Keener lauds Canada’s Xavier Dolan at TIFF   {  }

-Arts & Entertainment- U2 drops surprise album at Apple unveiling   {  }

-Arts & Entertainment- Chris Rock’s movie Top Five sells for reported $12.5 at TIFF   {  }

-Community- Size matters: Apple launch generates massive buzz online   { One headline about the iWatch wondered if it would be a fashion ‘no-no’ —jim }



“Local / New Brunswick”

Woodlot owners upset by Irving shipping Crown wood to Nova Scotia   {  }

J.P. Lewis: David Alward stuck on defensive in leaders’ debate   {  }

Organized crime-related searches ongoing in 8 communities   {  }

Ex-Tory Bev Harrison aims to win Hampton with the NDP   {  }

“New Brunswick Votes 2014”

New Brunswick election: Party leaders focus on jobs, shale gas in debate   {  }


=====Not from CBC:

David Coon [leader of the New Brunswick Green Party] has tweeted :

“Introduce citizenship studies and outdoor education curriculum to promote healthy, active lifestyles and community…”


{ 1:42 pm / 12:42 Eastern Time : emailing results to Doug in Ithaca —————jim — Looks good to me— ———djo——— }

Tuesday, 09 September, 2014 – CBC News Headlines

Tuesday, 09 September, 2014  -( 58˚F / 14˚C & Mostly Clear in Ithaca @ 8:45 am )-  —Today is National Teddybear Day in the U.S.A. & Intergalactic/Inter-dimensional/International ‘wish Jim Wellington a Happy Birthday on Leo Tolstoy’s birthday’ day on planet Earth & ‘beyhond’.— 😉

{ I’ve been doing this because I believe that the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media here in the U.S.A., AND not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }

{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news. —Thanks. ———djo——— }


Apple Logo and somebody intent on a smart phone.
It’s a big day for Apple Computer- They have staged a large unveiling event.


Spiritual quote of the day, “In an interview, Mahavishnu John McLaughlin said that his Guru had completely changed a lot of his thinking when, after John said, “I can’t work with that guy-” the Guru said, -‘Yes you can, the difficulties you have in working with this person are a chance for you to grow and learn to overcome your self imposed limitations’ – & I mean to tell ya, that bit of inspiration blew a hole in my ability to believe that people who oppose us are tools of some hypothetical devil- That was an eye opener- or maybe a soul- or spirit-opener?” ———Jim Wellington  { I have that on tape- Happy Birthday, Jim —djo— }


Lead Articles:

-Updated- Malaysia Airlines MH17 likely downed by ‘high energy objects’   { The flashy top-of-the-page ever-changing headline thing credits that discovery to the Dutch.  —djo— }

Russian fighter jets circle Canadian ship in Black Sea  {  }

Pieces of Franklin expedition ship believed found   {  }

Jury selection to continue Tuesday for Luka Magnotta trial   {  }

Why the next royal baby could sway Scotland’s referendum   {  }

‘I can’t just let Damian die in vain’: Mother launches de-radicalization effort   {  }




Trailer Park Boys celebrate 8th season’s launch with cheeseburgers, jalapeno chips   {  }

Canadian astronaut leads undersea ‘spacewalks’ on NASA mission   {  }

Antonio Brown kicks punter & other must-see NFL plays   {  }

Automaker sees automated freeway travel within 2 years   {  & I think I remember old shows about future technology telling us we should be flying in hover cars and riding on automated highways by the year 2000.  —djo— }



“Most Viewed”

Russian military planes buzzed HMCS Toronto in Black Sea    {  }

Ottawa company fined for saying it ‘only hires white men’   {  }

Rick Cross, missing Kananaskis hunter, killed in bear attack   { He apparently wandered between a mother bear and her cub  —djo—  }

2 women in their 90s marry in Ottawa 7 decades after meeting   { * Yes, they married each other. & With this article are links to “Same-sex marriage rights by U.S. state” – “Where in the world is homosexuality a crime?” & “Where in the world is same-sex marriage legal?” —djo— }

Apple iWatch and iPhone? New devices unveiled today   {  }

Steven Ruttan, veteran with PTSD, feels compensation falls short    {  }

-Blog- Chat Live with Adrienne Arsenault about homegrown extremism Tuesday at 5:30 pm ET   {  }




Russia denies buzzing the Canadian ship in the Black Sea   {  * Maybe it was evil aliens or even more evil – U.S. Black Ops guys – using holograms to try to start a war? *  —djo— }

-Special Report- Canadian veteran with PTSD feels $60K compensation ‘a slap in the face’   {  }

-Updated- Shark filmed near Australian beach within hours of fatal attack   { A shark killed somebody at a popular Australian surfing beach. —djo— }

John Baird, Rob Nicholson to discuss 30-day mission in Iraq   {  }

Ray Rice cut by Ravens, banned by NFL after new assault video surfaces   {  }

UN’s chief meteorologist warns of alarming C02 spike   {  }

MacKay to testify as Senate begins prostitution bill hearings { * Yes, Peter MacKay, the ‘Minister of Justice’ is probably guilty of prostituting himself for the Conservative Agenda in Canada 😉 *  —djo  }

NDP plots strategy as Tom Mulcair plans to get out of the House   { The New Democratic Party of Canada is releasing their platform a year ahead of next year’s election -next year’s, if the sitting government isn’t driven out of town on a rail before that- Tom Mulcair is the leader of the NDP.   —djo— }

Home Depot says Canadians could be affected by security breach    {  }

-Must Watch- Dogs party in pool for charity   {  }

-Must Watch- Dutch flower parade    {  }

-World- Syria failed ‘on every front’ by international community   {  }

-World- Fire collapses part of famous U.S. roller coaster   {  }

-Business- Scottish independence spectre hammers pound, British stocks   {  }

-Technology & Science- Jack the Ripper named as Aaron Kosminski, Polish immigrant: book   { This report claims that Aaron Kosminski’s DNA was found on the bloodstained shawl of Catherine Eddowes, one of the Ripper’s victims. * What if there were more than one Ripper? There are reports that the ‘Son of Sam’ killings were done by a series of young men being initiated into a cult. What if this cult was entrenched in the culture for centuries? —djo— }

-Arts & Entertainment- Jon Stewart premieres first film, Rosewater, at TIFF 2014   {  }

-Arts & Entertainment-  Tiff 2014: Michael Moore for mayor of Toronto?   { I’d vote for him – not that my endorsement wouldn’t be the kiss of death to anyone’s political career —djo— }

-Health- Dartmouth General patients get special gowns to stay warm   { * How about that? A hospital that actually cares about its patients? Oh, wait a minute, that’s in Canada. Canadians are nicer, aren’t they? & More fun- How many U.S. cities have a mayor who would make Michael Moore look like a nice, safe, conservative alternative? -Okay, so most Canadians are really nice, and friendly, and warm, and sexy, and———  —djo— }  {*** Sounds like Doug fell in love with a Canadian, ya think? —————Jim W }

-Community- CBC News readers skeptical of CRTC’s ‘pick and play’ play   {  }

-Hockey- Penguins’ Sidney Crosby happy with healed wrist  { Yes, CBC News has a whole separate area just for Hockey news, even in the summer, which has been described as ‘Two weeks of bad hockey’ by Canadians. 😉  —djo— }



“Local / New Brunswick”

First Nations forestry plan appeal decision reserved  { “Justice Margaret Larlee promises ruling within 10 days on temporary injunction sought by chiefs” * This is the crawl that I believe Jim complained he couldn’t find clarification for- A judge in New Brunswick’s highest court has reserved decision on an appeal by First Nations Leaders, who want to put a temporary stop to the Alward government’s forestry plan. -I put this article at the top of the heap, Jim’s comments are a couple articles down- —djo— }

Decision on Rod Gillis’s appeal of obstruction conviction due today   { Rod Gillis, described as a ‘prominent Saint John criminal defence lawyer’ was sentenced to 22 months in jail in 2013 after being found guilty of attempting to stop a witness from testifying against one of his clients. The appeal centers around the trial judge’s interpretation of a note Gillis wrote to a client’s former employer. —djo— }

Shale gas debate overshadows focus on alternative energy   {  }

-Repeat- Shale gas development divides voters, CBC poll finds { This was here yesterday. —djo— }

Green Party unveils plan to create new Forestry Act { *** Last night there were several items crawling beneath the CBC News Channel’s programmes, One plan, credited to First Nations, is something I hoped would be clarified here- Another one sounded like the sitting government dismissed some kind of criticism and plans to go ahead with their agenda to allow more ‘Crown’ forest land to be ‘harvested’ by oil company & conglomerate JDI -Irving- who are spending tons of advertising dollars to try to look like they care about the environment etc.—————Jim W }

-New- High-tech golf cart maps Moncton sidewalks    {  }

David Clayton-Thomas happy to be headlining Harvest   { Fredericton’s Harvest Jazz and Blues festival is on now – and David Clayton-Thomas, whose voice you may know from his days with Blood, Sweat and Tears- will be headlining Thursday Evening – Dangit, and I’m stuck in Ithaca- 😦 —djo— }

“New Brunswick Votes 2014

Campaign focus turns to leaders’ debates   { CBC will air and live-stream debates tonight for 90 minutes beginning at 6:30 pm Atlantic Time / 5:30 pm Eastern – & after the debates are finished, you can get the debates ‘on demand’ at <—-<< Link  —djo— }

Anti-Fracking protesters with signs in English and French outside a courthouse in Moncton.
“The possibility of New Brunswick developing a shale gas industry has been extremely controversial. Jim Emberger says the province’s pursuit for a shale gas industry will “have severe, undeniable and observable consequences.” (Adrienne Arsenault/CBC) “

Shale gas pursuit will have ‘severe, undeniable’ consequences   { * Well, ‘duh!’-  I’ve been trying to tell you that all along.* “Opponents to the shale gas industry have packed into meetings and held protests across the province in recent years” & “When we are confronted by new evidence that contradicts what we believed was true, we experience what psychologists call “cognitive dissonance.”  – Because holding two opposing thoughts in our head at the same time is uncomfortable and confusing, we try to resolve the conflict. – We may verify that the new evidence has merit and then change our old ideas and behaviours accordingly. This is essentially how science works. – But because we really don’t like the inconvenience or discomfort that can come with changing long-held beliefs and habits, we can instead resolve the conflict by seeking excuses to downplay the importance of the new evidence and rationalize away any need to change our ways. – We can see both methods at work in how we dealt with the emerging truth about the dangers of tobacco. We eventually changed our habits, but it took decades for us to face the truth. – In the end, the “inconvenient truth” always wins, but our desire to ignore it often costs us time and, as in the tobacco example, many lives. – We are now confronted with an issue that won’t allow us the luxury of decades to change our behaviour. Our pursuit of shale gas and continued use of fossil fuels have severe, undeniable and observable consequences. – We can stay on this course only by ignoring the evidence in three areas: public health, climate change and economics.” & There’s more at >>—-> Link: Opinion Page linked to this issue  —djo— } {*** & The people who crack the hardest are those who believe they are the most stable – & Those who believe they are fighting for a future prosperity they have been lied to and convinced that Fracking is the way to go are among those who believe they’re the stable ones and we’re wacko nut jobs protesting because we’re horny and looking for other wacko nut jobs to procreate with. Link: >>—-> “Half-Past Human dot com“, with their eerie track record of predicting major catastrophes through very scientific means- is with us on this. Fracking will destroy safe drinking water and totally ruin the economy. & Remember? A First Nations wise person told me that the inter-dimensional beings- some of us call them faeries, leprechauns and ‘elementals’- will fight with us against the frackers. Mother Earth does not want to be fracked. Prayers always help, —————Jim W *** }



{ 11:11 am & my back hurts- time to check for typos and get out the crayons –   11:45 am: Finished, ready to click the “Publish” Button  ———djo——— }