—Added 2 of —djo—‘s poems from a back issue of the Magazine to the Magazine Archives Page here-

Thursday, 31 July, 2014. -( 26˚C / 79˚F @5:55 pm up here where the people are nice and I never get tired of that…)-

—I don’t know if subscribers get updates when we add something to one of the ‘other’ pages here- and we have a couple new subscribers whose blogs are described as ‘Literary Magazines’. I’m pretty sure they will get this note.

—If I discover that I did get subscription notice that a page was altered I won’t have to bother anybody with notices like this in the future.



CBC Morning Headlines Thursday, July 31, 2014

Thursday, July 31, 2014 -( 61°F / 16°C @ 9:30 am & raining in Ithaca )-

This morning’s headlines from CBC.ca/news : { These are not links, they’re hints of what the CBC thinks are most Newsworthy this morning. }



Dexter the cat rescued from debris of burned-out warehouse

No jokes, all plot: YouTuber strips the funny from Seinfeld and Friends

Say cheese! 12 great celebrity photobombs

$1M wording mistake leads to refund of 2,574 Winnipeg photo radar fines


“Most Viewed”

Marijuana advocate Marc Emery vows ‘political revenge’ against Tories  { “Tories” refers to the Conservative Party of Canada, who are now in power with a “Majority Government” under Stephen Harper, Prime Minister. I thought that if one party did not get at least 50% + 1 of the popular vote either the other two might form a coalition government and share power, as long as they had more than 50% together, or the party with the most votes would have to form a coalition/partnership with one of the other parties. Nope, not up there in Canada, that’s a European model. If the party with the most votes has something like 37% of the seats in Parliament, they form the government, they call this a ‘minority government,’ & that might not last a full five years, I think it’s five years-? And they have to pass laws and do stuff that does not anger the other two strongest parties (right now I think the Green Party might have one seat? One “MP” ((member of parliament)) / representative. I’ll have to ask somebody.) If a budget bill is not approved they might have to call on the “Governor General” (Representative of the Queen, I think this person, at least lately, is always a Canadian citizen chosen by the Prime Minister and I think somebody has to approve this person for that position before it is final.) When the prime minister calls on the Governor General (or “G.G.”) and asks to have Parliament dissolved, and gets the approval, they set a date, usually within a month, or just slightly longer than a month. The current ‘Tory’ government would be scheduled to expire next year, 2015, unless somebody, probably enough somebodies, call for and pass a no-confidence vote or too many sitting MPs and/or Ministers and/or Senators get caught with their hands in the wrong cookie jars or something like that (Senators are appointed, not elected; -appointed by the sitting Prime Minister) Sitting Prime Ministers sometimes call for an election when they believe their chances are really good to wing more seats than last time, or hang on to enough seats to remain in control, if they see something ominous down the road ahead.. Most of the Canadians I know can’t wait for a change to get rid of this prime minister and his lackeys. My friends up there claim they know too many people who would vote for a dead goat as long as it was a registered member of the Conservative Party of Canada. Others, like most of the people I know, wouldn’t vote for anybody or anything Conservative if their lives depended on it. But then, I think I did meet a few people up there who believed they had reason to hate and never vote for any member of one party or another, and the scales are not quite balanced, but I got to realize that people everywhere have reasonable and sometimes anti-reasonable ‘reasons’ for their political likes and dislikes. This is the lead story, their are several links to earlier stories featuring Marc Emory below the main teaser. }

Girl, 15, dies after accident on Bradford soccer field  { Bradford is north of Toronto, Ontario, and the soccer goal with its netting fell over on her. The metal post is what apparently did the damage. Police don’t know how it could have happened. }

Fire in the sky: ‘Apocalypse’ thunderstorm rolls into Yellowknife  { Storm clouds mixed with smoke from wild forest fires made for some eerie photographs and video. If you want to, go to the CBC News web site this article has some eerie photographs that don’t involve lightening or pouring rain. }

Summer anomaly brings chilly days to residents between sweltering coasts  { Weird Weather”: Hotter than usual on the coasts, cooler than usual in the middle. }

Gaza conflict: Israel calls up 16,000 more reserves { “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Thursday that Israel will destroy the Hamas tunnel network in the Gaza Strip “With or without a ceasefire,-” (and more) I’m interested in the matter of fact way this is reported. Definitely not Fox News. I’m also wondering if the order these links appear on the CBC site are planned, or just happen depending on which story came to their web people and when. }

Seattle cop issues 80% of city’s marijuana tickets in 2014 { One officer issued 66 of the 83 tickets issued in the first half of 2014 and was reassigned to something else inside the department. The Chief of Police said that changes in the marijuana law were ‘Silly’. }

Winnipeg armed standoff ‘resolved’ police give no further details  { Winnipeg police received information that someone was threatening to harm police officers and himself, surrounded the house and after a “17 hour standoff” the situation was ‘resolved’ I don’t have any more details either. }

Mr Big stings: Supreme Court to rule on admissibility of evidence  { A “Mr Big Sting” involves police officers pretending to be recruiting someone to join a criminal organization. The ‘Mr Big’ / Crime boss supposedly wants to meet the ‘perpetrator’ in person and hear his version of the crimes he committed, then the cuffs and badges come out and all the cops pretending to be bad guys are ready to give testimony about the ‘confessions’ obtained in this manner (as well as video evidence which might not always be admissible, depending on the judge in the case?) The Supreme Court of Canada is listening to arguments and probably asking each other for opinions. It may be interesting to find out what they decide and why- }

Ukraine conflict: Investigators reach Malaysia Airlines MH17 crash site   { Yesterday, the investigators couldn’t get to the crash site because there was armed conflict too close to the site, happening between the Ukrainian Loyal troops and the Russian sympathizers ((Or sympathizers mixed in with Russian Army infiltrators? I don’t know for sure- We may never know. )) But then, most of you already read, saw or heard this story. }

Bacon Nation: Toronto restaurant caters to bacon-loving foodies  { I’m not sure whether it was in Canada- but I heard on the television news one time I was up there, One restaurant had anybody who ordered special items from their menu sign a waiver, releasing the restaurant from liability if the customer died from a heart attack and the hamburger or whatever else they ate seemed likely to have triggered that heart attack. Canadians like their bacon. }


Under “More Headlines”

Sleeping in darkness improves effectiveness of breast cancer drug

Can whales be healthy and happy in an aquarium? Scientists weigh in  { A friend from Connecticut treated my daughter and me to a trip to the Mystic Aquarium where we watched one of the shows they put on indoors with dolphins and a couple varieties of small whales, all of whom seemed happy to do tricks and show off for the people there. We went in early and were allowed to walk around and take any photographs we wanted to. My friend had an Olympus OM-2 with a flash unit that ran on 4 AA batteries and whined while it was charging. When one of the dolphins who was playing in the rather large indoor pool heard the whining, he or she looked at us, and with a big smile on his or her face jumped at lest six feet out of the water, right at us. My friend’s flash hadn’t finished recharging so he missed that shot. But it felt to me like that Dolphin was enjoying himself. After the show Rachel wanted to get closer to the Dolphins again. There was a whale we couldn’t see making interesting noises and my friend asked one of the trainers what that was all about. The trainer, an energetic young woman with a delighted look in her eyes, said, “Oh, that’s [whatsiname]. the Beluga Whale. He’s complaining because we didn’t let him come out here and show off with the others, it’s his turn next time.”  I had gone there during a rough time in my life with a serious case of the ‘Why Me?’s- feeling like I might never find anything to feel happy about again in my life, and just being in that area with those Dolphins and Whales, I felt amazingly good for a change. My friend had read books by Dr John C Lilly who had done research with Dolphins and later, we heard about ‘swimming with Dolphins’ programs (in which patients, usually kids with chronic health issues get to swim with Dolphins and hyper vigilant adults who protect kids from dolphins and dolphins from kids, and either it was the Dolphins’ ‘radar’ or ‘sonar’ -but something  works and these kids get healthier and sometimes really bad problems ‘go away’). My friend told me he’d heard one researcher say she believed these Dolphins chose to do what they were doing. One animal ‘psychic’ said performing Dolphins volunteer for their life and love what they’re doing. And when he told me that, I remembered the trip to that Aquarium and yeah, it felt like the Dolphins and Whales who were there loved what they were doing. Maybe they took on the job of ‘beaming good vibrations’ to people they took a liking to? I got the silly idea that they came from a higher civilization to ease along toward our own Spiritual growth. }

Alison Redford’s flight scandal ‘defies explanation’ ally says  {  Alison Redford was the Conservative Premier of Alberta, a Conservative strong-hold of a province out west, with the oil sands and all that. She resigned amid accusations that she’d misused her privileges, over spent on items for personal use with taxpayer money, and over used the government aircraft flight privileges. Last night there was something on the CBC web site about her booking fictitious passengers as part of her party so she and her entourage could have a whole plain to themselves after the fictitious passengers didn’t show up. Opposition types say Albertan taxpayers are ‘justifiably upset’ and defenders seem to believe she didn’t do anything that others from all political parties up there haven’t done before. I don’t know- I’m an American (as if Canada wasn’t part of North America?) I’m not in Alberta. The oil sands lovers up there claim they’re trying to save the province’s economy, and coincidentally, the whole country’s economy while anti oil sands people say they’re killing the country under the pretext of saving it. Don’t get me started on Fracking…. But Alison Redford? I don’t know enough about her to form an opinion.  }}



Russia-U.S. relations are chilly, but is this a Cold War?


“Local” (?)  { I still think I get New Brunswick news here in New York State because there might be a cookie in this browser that thinks I’m still up there, over there, visiting. 🙂 }

Growlers to be sold at 3 NB Liquor stores.   { “Growlers” are 64 ounce ‘jugs’ of beer produced by small specialty brewers. They used to be able to sell these ‘growlers’ to people who came for a tour at their small independent breweries. A provincial law passed recently, required small time brewers to sell 10,000 litres of their beer in province-owned liquor stores before they would be allowed to sell their “growlers” at their breweries. Some of these breweries do not produce that much beer in a year. So now I’m not sure whether they will be allowed to sell their stuff at their breweries or not, but the article goes on to say that if the pilot program is successful, it will be expanded from 3 stores to 10 or 15. }



— It’s 12:14 pm and I might have spent a lot more time on this one little task than I thought I would – I think yesterday’s similar exercise netted me more praise than I expected, and if you think this is a waste of our time, let me know. Thanks-


Saskatchewan Government Orders SaskPower to remove Smart Meters = Fire Hazard.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014. -(24˚C / 75˚F @ 5:40 pm Where I’m at.)-

((( Sounds like a busy night for Coast to Coast am News Watchers.)))

Scrolling headlines in the ‘Crawl’ on the CBC News Channel here has a couple interesting items. One is the blurb about the Province Of Saskatchwan’s  Government Ordering their power company to end its Smart Meter Programme.  The first couple times I saw the message it said “Sask Power to remove Smart Meters over Fire Hazard”. Somebody changed the Message to read, “Saskatchewan Gov’t Orders SaskPower to End Smart Meter Program”

Another Message of Note: “Excessive drinking of Soda Impairs Teenagers’ Brains”

& ‘Let’s die at least defending our land,’ says Ontario’s First Nations Chief’

‘Gas company sues tiny village for $1.5M – 5 times its annual budget’  ((I have to link this one)) —> Town of 168 People in Quebec <— Because the village passed a by-law establishing a no-drill zone near its potable water sources. (Radio-Canada)

Couple gets threatening letter for flying gay pride flag.

{Also = not direct quotes:

The G20 handling of riots by Toronto Police – Plus the Toronto Police handling of the Mayor Rob Ford Alleged Crack Cocaine smoking Video – led to the Toronto Police Board Not appointing Chief Of Police Bill Blair to a third term.  }


((((( I could not find all of the above stories on my local cbc.ca/news page here. )))))



This is from a Friend on Facebook:

“Steam Injection Fracking Caused Major Alberta Bitumen Leak | The Tyee
Review finds fractures spread like cracks on a frozen lake, resulting in uncontrolled seepage.”
From Linked Page:
A new independent technical review on the cause of a large and costly 2013 bitumen leak in northern Alberta found a form of hydraulic fracturing that injects steam into the ground to be the main culprit.
Should I include the headline, “Devoted octopus mom holds her eggs for 4.5 years”?
-Let’s hope the good stuff (above) isn’t just a weird leak of positive news from a parallel dimension.

Today’s Headlines from the CBC

Wednesday, July 30th, 2014. -( 61°F / 16°C & Mostly Cloudy @ 9:58 am in Ithaca, New York State )-

To be fair, I got these headlines from CBC dot CA / News.  <— Link



Ira Glass tweets ‘Shakespeare sucks,’ the internet promptly explodes

Beaver blamed after tree hits car on highway ‘still at large’

Was that a UFO above Toronto last weekend?

Family Guy meets the Simpsons in extended trailer for crossover episode.


“New Brunswick” { since I connected with the CBC website with this laptop one time while visiting somebody in New Brunswick, the internet must believe I’m still there. }

*Shale gas protesters sentenced to 15 months for violent clash with RCMP { *** Jim talked with some First Nations people up there who were sure that some of the fires that disabled obsolete police cruisers were started by angry ‘forest people’ (we might know them as leprechauns or angry faeries or ‘elementals’). Others believe the RCMP set their own cruisers on fire in order to get newer and better ones.*** }

Red bracelets thanking the RCMP being sold in Moncton { A high profile case in Moncton, NB hit the airwaves a couple months ago. A “troubled” teenager shot five RCMP officers, 3 of them died. Our real ‘died in the wool hardcore conspiracy buffs’ immediately claimed, ‘this has all the earmarks of somebody who’d been programmed by MK-Ultra types and activated to go on a rampage and kill police officers’ — But the people in Moncton, New Brunswick do not believe there is an evil, twisted plot by a dark ops group of ‘Empathically-Challenged Wannabe String-pulling Secretive Elitists’ & want to show that they appreciate being protected by Serve and Protect type officers of the law. Meanwhile, officers of the law in the USA are forming groups and calling themselves “Oath Keepers” who believe they have pledged to protect the population of the USA “From all enemies, foreign and domestic” and will not fire on unarmed civilians if ordered to. (( Would superior officers giving orders to fire on innocent, unarmed civilians then become one of those domestic enemies?)) I think the really scary part is that so many of them believe they just might be ordered to fire on unarmed civilians. }

Norovirus confirmed in Bathurst’s Chaleur Regional Hospital { Bathurst is in Northern New Brunswick. A college or university up there wants to close down their school of nursing. }

N.B. abortion access prompts St. John’s demonstration.  { This was an anti-abortion demonstration, I remember when a friend of mine wanted to stop at an anti abortion demonstration on State Street here in Ithaca and have the demonstrators sign petitions stating that they were ready to support the desperate mothers (regardless of any addictions and/or other problematic conditions) for at least 18 years and support any child that mother might have for 18 years (again, regardless of any health problems, physical or ‘other’) or until that child graduated from a college or university of the child’s choice (( at the demonstrators’ expense )) or, for the child’s entire life if he or she tested positive for any one of a number of “Challenges” such as intellectually or physical challenges or disabilities. He was ready to shout, ‘You do this and I’ll believe you’re actually committed to your cause.’ His fiancée at the time threatened to leave him. That relationship didn’t last very long. I can not take sides on this issue. I believe everybody has to make that decision for themselves (Preferably ‘Herself’) & I don’t know if anybody knows all the psychological, emotional, and spiritual implications and consequences of either choosing to abort or stopping someone else from making that choice. I’m really glad I’m not a woman. (& a couple women friends have accused me of being a coward for not supporting their side of this issue.  Quite a few, as a matter of fact, from both sides.)  }


“Analysis” The 100-year conflict that is the First World War still rages: Brian Stewart { This is the first time I’ve heard the First World War being referred to as another ‘Hundred Years War’. This could be depressing. Maybe most earthling humans never will be able to learn from the mistakes of their fathers and mothers? —— Of course they will, we are on an upward growth spurt as I write this. The ‘bad guys’ are making a last ditch, desperate effort to keep us all off balance so they can manipulate us into a constant state of fear, then, they believe, we will be most ‘manageable’. }

SARS was ‘wake-up call’ that could prevent Ebola spread to Canada, doctor says  { I visited somebody in the Greater Toronto Area while the SARS scare was going full blast. I saw the signs at the hospitals that basically read “If you’re sick, don’t come here”. I can’t believe that anybody, especially a doctor, would have the audacity to say anything like, ‘SARS just might have been a good thing’. Any doctor who said “Death is a really good cure for Cancer” would not be going much farther into the ‘stupid zone’ than that. }

There are 3 more featured headlines about the Ebola Outbreak and “6 ways to avoid illness when travelling’ from January 29th posted in the queue. { The conspiracy guys believe this a plot to convince everybody to line up for drugs we’re supposed to believe will keep us ‘safe’ so the MK-Ultra Elitists can distribute an inoculation that will kill off billions of the ‘great unwashed’ so ‘they’ can tighten their grip on this world’s population, strengthen their mind-control abilities, and keep just enough ‘useless eaters’ around to be whipped into subservience, & slavery. But remember the palmistry guy from a couple days ago? (scroll down) -He is sure that the manipulating control freaks will lose their grip and fight among themselves, and kill each other off before they can see their evil twisted plots reach fruition. }

{ I would like to add a bit of “Prayer Works”, or for the militant agnostics out there: Scientists don’t know how it works, but have facts to back up the claim: “Positive Intention Works!” }



Moving Into A More Positive Future?

I wrote and posted this on one of the other Newsy Blogs (( Inter World News )) I’m mixed up with -at about 4 am on Tuesday morning, as I was winding down at work and getting ready to finish up and go home. (Look for more notes after the article:)



Moving Into A More Positive Future?

Posted in: Coast to Coast am, Mostly Positive, Positive Future Outlook, Positve, Spirituality | Comments (0)

Tuesday, July 29th, 2014.

Book Cover
Screen Shot of Vernon Mahabal’s Book, “The Secret Code On You Hands / An Illustrated Guide to Palmistry “

In the second half of Coast to Coast a.m. tonight, George Noory is interviewing Vernon Mahabal (<— Link to Palmistry Website ). My first instinct would have been, “Well- I guess I’ll skip this one.”

But I’m working, too busy to change the station, and he’s making sense.

“Palmistry?” But he’s talking about trends that he sees coming. The message is very positive, although he sees a possible break-up of the United States into several regional governments with two basic polarities dividing those regional “Provinces” (he called them provinces a couple times) Those two groups will be “A”— [my distinction, he didn’t label them anything] The “Go-Getters” Materialistic, Patriotic, Nationalistic (( ESTJ’s)) and “B” — The more Creative, Perceptive, Community Minded (( Supportive, Nurturing )) types.

He says that the sneaky, demonic, string pulling, hidden, poisonous types who have been trying to run this Country and the World will lose their grip and in-fighting will destroy each other.

According to Vernon Mahabal, our world has moved into a much more Positive 18 year cycle, where most people’s idea of prosperity will be a lot different than it was from the 40′s to the 80′s. There may be some rough times ahead as the bad guys try to bring it all down, and the poisonous old ways die hard, but we will emerge stronger.There will be a kind of Hopi [a very spiritual tribe of Native Americans in the Southwestern desert] philosopy, “Create your own occupation and you will find your Freedom”, that more and more people will adopt and will lead to empowerment.

We will add a link to this page, where you can go find his site after this article is way down the list somewhere. (( We will probably add a link to Coast to Coast am, too, where you can go and sign up as an ‘insider’ ((( Not Free – they will charge you $ but you can sign up for a short time and download tons of interesting shows from their archives, I think they have 5 years of past shows available to subscribers ))) & if you do subscribe tonight’s downloaded podcasts may be a real good place to start. ))


Doug Otterson @ July 29, 2014


{2:30 am, Wednesday, July 30 2014 here in New York State,  10°C / 51°F & the skies are dark and clear.}

—I just copied and pasted the above article here, from one of the other blogs I’m mixed up with, changed a couple words and added a little bit, like the explanation of who the Hopi are and where they live.

& Like I said this morning, I was impressed with this person. He is extraordinarily spiritual and reading palms is only one of the ways he expresses his gifts.

Things he said about Palmistry were intriguing, like -If your ring finger is longer than your index or pointer finger, you’re more likely to be creative, perceptive, introspective, possibly artistic, live in the moment, and not be as intense about being in control and achieving success the way most western cultures perceive ‘Success’. If your index finger (pointer) is longer than the ring finger, you are probably more organized, goal oriented and assertive- (He describes these people as being ‘Patriotic’ and materialistic.) { I’ve understood that these tendencies are built into your personality before you are actually born and you can’t change your nature on this level. You can’t take a thoughtful, sensitive, artistic kid and work him half to death, force him to exercise and practice physical skills, until he falls down totally exhausted every evening, in order to turn him into a football hero type. His (or her) soul and spirit are just not wired that way. People these days are becoming a lot more receptive to accepting the fact than not everybody can be, or wants to be, the epitome of the All-American Sports Hero, wearing a high school or university sweater with big letters to show the world they’ve achieved little town fame and prowess, and being followed around by uniformed cheerleaders with sparkling hope in their eyes. }

What if your first and third fingers are the same length? This might indicate that you are a balanced person. You might find success in both artistic expression and leadership. You might be the leader of a successful band, or the guiding force behind an art gallery that keeps local artists (including yourself) from starving to death.

—He also said that children who grew up after the internet was invented (and had access to that internet) and are just now graduating from universities or coming into their own as young adults have a completely different view of everything than those of us who came along before the internet. { That almost qualifies for a, “Well -duh-!” But since he said that last night, I’ve been thinking and feeling that, yes, this is going on a lot more deeply and profoundly than most people realize. }

—But what I am calling this guy’s ‘gifts’ are his intuition and his ability to sense where the people whose hands he has to touch to his palmistry work are heading in life and what obstacles they face and after doing so many readings (and teaching others to do those readings) he has practiced and developed his intuition to the point where he can see trends.

—I have to tell you that his impressions of the future include things that I only heard before from two people whose spiritual presence was so amazing and so strong, even I could feel something when I walked into the room where they were (and both of them turned and smiled like they felt my presence. One of them told me I had a gift and if I developed that gift I’d be able to share my hard won insights with others and I could be pretty good at it. At the time I was thinking they’d read somebody else and mistook me for that person, but it almost feels like my time is coming, and, like they told me, by sharing what I’ve learned (the hard way?) I might be able to zoom ahead with increasing speed and surprise myself with what I will learn in this second half of my life on this planet- They told me, (way back when I had to struggle to get up and go to work every day, just to make enough money to make sure Rachel had a decent, sensitive, attentive and trustworthy babysitter and enough food to eat and clothes to wear and all that… I thought my life had ended when my wife ran away with crazies from California-) They told me that the future was not one thousand percent stamped into stone tablets, but what might happen and could probably happen would be this regionalization and possible break up of the USA into  several “autonomous” regions that might not exactly get along very well- with intellectual and philosophical differences that would seem to be insurmountable- But that later on, everybody would slowly absorb and come to embrace higher ideals and understanding of who we are spiritually and a lot of our differences would seem less and less significant. Like when you’re growing up and the people who go to school in the next town are the enemy. A couple years later the people in the next town wear different colored uniforms when they play football, but they’re in the same league with you and the people in the next state might be your real enemy. Later, the people in a different section of the country might seem to be your enemies, and if you keep growing, you should hopefully come to the realization that you don’t need any enemies at all to be yourself. If you want to enjoy life to its fullest, you have to grow beyond the b.s. that seeped into your mind when you were a kid, sitting in front of the television, getting all excited over war movies. Or sitting at the computer, killing alien invaders or monsters from some nether world- ( Sorry I picked all these images that guys relate to. Maybe somebody else can join our staff and give us the women’s point of view?)

———Have I blabbed enough for now?


From Coast to Coast a.m & Peter Mathews

—Jassper  (Boofaji) copied and pasted this from “Inter World News” (posted on Monday, July 28th)–


Book Cover
Screen Shot of Book Cover

Ekonomic Warfare / Big Corporations + Lobbyists + Bought Off Politicians = You Lose

Posted in: Coast to Coast am, Conspiracies, Economic Warfare, Politiks | Comments (0)

Monday, July 28, 2014.

We’re looking forward to tonight’s guest on Coast to Coast a.m., Peter Mathews. (<—- Link to his web site )

He has a book for sale on that web site, “Dollar Democracy:/with Liberty and Justice for Some;/ How to Reclaim the American Dream for All.” -by Peter Mathews.

I haven’t read the book, So I can’t add it to our “Must Reads” yet. But scanning his web site (“Powered by WordPress.org”) looks encouraging.




—Jassper uploaded this through a computer using Google Chrome on a mac mini that has an intel chip but not the latest and greatest, he gets constant messages that tell him the Google Chrome will no longer update or support his browser because his computer has out of date hardware. (We HATE this kind of B.S. Macs used to be above this kind of doo doo.  He complained that the editing / posting page gave him no opportunity to include any photos or use categories or tags. So he sent me the screen shot of the book cover and I think I got that loaded here, I think we’re good-)


( I added an older article from Independent Canadian News)

Monday, July 28, 2014.

Besides working on other articles and getting ready for my ‘real job’ tonight, I copied and pasted an article I got away with at the “Independent Canadian News” In October of 2012.

Our Own Governments Just Might Be Our Worst Enemy” <— Link

Swapping Old Poems

Monday, 28 July, 2014. -( 21˚C / 70˚F @ 11:00 pm in our neck of the woods. )-

I think the following is actually the first poem that I’d written that Doug ever saw. (it was not quite all the way out of the typewriter when Doug stumbled onto it.) (I hardly ever left stuff lying around like that where just any weirdo (( who would have had to been let in, or broken in, or invited – in this case )) could happen to glance the wrong way and realize I wrote poetry now and then. Most of the guys I worked with in those days would have respected the hell out of a porn writer, but would have stepped a couple steps back and wondered how far they were from the nearest door if they know I wasn’t afraid to write poetry.)


       from a bus
                and its many meanings
(armies of idiots smiling
at something they know
but couldn’t understand)
                while many of our good ford’s cars
                string home with
                     how many
                telephone wires for guides
to how many
         finite kitchens
dining rooms and
smiling drunk barbecues and
back yards full of screaming kids and
         “EXIT 4 THREE MILES”
wives who love
         “ONE WAY”
or nag, depending
         “GO RIGHT”
on how long
their marriage has lasted
         “NEXT EXIT 2 MILES”

—————Jim Wellington (1970)


I had typed this on my old electric (suitcase model) portable typewriter. I don’t remember the make or model, but I do remember it was light blue in colour.

Both Doug and I were feeling dumped by our ‘significant others’ (but I had no idea at that time, that he’d been married and forgot something on his way to work, came home to get it and caught his wife ((Now ex-wife)) emptying their house and about to run off “with a van full of crazies from some whacko California Evangelic Christian Commune” with their daughter in tow. Doug, a security guard with a license to carry firearms, was in uniform with the gun on his hip and the crazies took off in a hurry. His wife ran out the back door and across a couple neighbours’ back yards and jumped in the van and left the baby in her car seat on the kitchen table.) So Doug’s suffering was a whole lot deeper and more profound than mine at the time. I hadn’t had a clue.

I also didn’t realize he’d read the piece of paper in the typewriter until a couple days later when he handed me one of his poems (and swore me to secrecy, the company he worked for might not trust a gun toting poet to guard their clients in those days ((1991-ish?)) )


Let’s see if I can format this for Jim…


Walk the northern summer
above an angry sea
lean out over the rocks
your hair flowing regal
your sweater almost forgotten
as the chill can’t touch you now
you’re dreaming
of blond and bearded warriors
laughing drunk
bragging of their adventures
to claim long awaited pleasures
from wild eyed women
spirits high and willing to wrestle
long hours, days of loneliness, over

Viking Princess
your line disinherited
by ancient enemies
long before the twentieth century
revealed madness to the world’s eyes
fires burn within you
you’re hungry for things
you only feel
through fuzzy memories
no man can free you from your questions
But what of this country
this wind swept afternoon
are they not yours to love
doesn’t that lift your spirit

too long without a lover
to help them celebrate this life
to comfort your ghost filled nights
float languid above, away
find a reason not to see
stand with your heart impaled
the smoke behind your mind
moves in ever tighter circles
reach for meaning ( for power and riches? )
stretch to own the sky
call that cosmic consciousness?
curse the devil
he’s you when you keep your heart and mind closed
don’t blame me for your losses
You’ve been looking in the wrong direction
you know love can go stagnant
turn to greed
when you try to keep it
all to yourself
when you value being loved
more than loving
You can’t own anyone
you may only know yourself
but you’ve been through a lot
and that breeds understanding
and understanding can
stop a war before the shooting starts
open your heart
someone will touch you
something will free you
live in the moment
turn your heart
to the sun
I’ll love you
in spite of your efforts
to block out the happiness
you feel too guilty
to accept.

…..Jim Wellington ….( circa 1971?)

Reincarnation & Past Life Regression?

Monday, July 21, 2014.  ( Sue (Née Morse) Rhonda D. and Tony S. All have birthdays today. &  My Sister Sharon’s Second Marriage’s Anniversary)


I’m listening to Coast To Coast A.M.  Richard Syrett is interviewing / talking to a past life regression therapist named Dr. Elena Gabor. I’m not perfectly happy to accept everything she is saying. She also admitted that a family member of hers became fascinated with the idea of hypnosis to reveal past lives after reading a book by Dr Bruce Goldberg. ( I’ll add a link to his sites later. ) I saw Dr Goldberg, I talked to him, I don’t believe everything he says either. But he is intriguing and so is the subject.

I’m one of those people who had to try to understand what life is all about, as a thirteen year old I cried myself to sleep quite a few times in deep despair, deeply troubled by the idea that there might not be a point to all this life stuff, there might not be a God, life might just stop when you die. But I had beliefs and attitudes, propensities and all that, which could not be explained as having come from anything that happened in this life. (I also had conversations with Rock and Roll Musicians inside their homes in England while I was asleep, that I almost dismissed as pure dream, pure fantasy, but then I saw a photograph of their house and it was exactly what I’d seen in the dream. I was also aware that the person I was talking to was not entirely comfortable with the fact that I was inside his house talking to him, and he tried to get rid of me by telling me I would really like his next album, which I didn’t like. It might have gone in weird new directions, but there was only one cut on the album I could relate to and wanted to hear again. But I should skip this bit because, unless that musician and I knew each other in a previous life or something, it isn’t exactly on topic. Any INFJ worth her salt would be screaming at me while I would be silently chanting to myself, “deliver us from INFJ’s”… )  (Please pardon the obscure reference to a love that was probably doomed from the start.)

Back on Topic.

When you “have the bug” or “the disease” that compels you to dive deeply into life’s deeper mysteries and you can’t go on without doing everything you can to uncover the truth- This intensity creates what has been called a “Magnetic Centre” You attract similar people and if you’re lucky, you recognize that they have the same affliction / disease / deeply seated interest that is driving you and when you find the guts to bring up subjects that might get you laughed out of the company of friends you value, you get to have some interesting, deep, sometimes inspiring, conversations.

This is what I’ve come to believe:

You can only prove the validity of reincarnation for yourself, to yourself. One of the most highly evolved persons I met in this life told me, “When you are evolved enough to leave your body at will, you can travel in time. You can follow yourself back in time to see who you were. You can also travel forward in time to see who you will probably be.” He also explained to somebody else who was more ‘into Yoga’ than I was at the time, basically the same thing, but he added, “When you can meditate deeply enough to see the perfect five-pointed star in the middle of your forehead, then you can travel upward, leave your body and travel anywhere you want to go, including traveling back and forth in time.” (I tried real hard to meditate like that and only saw the star once, I was amazed, a bit shocked to think it looked like the symbol used by the US Air Force, went up through it, saw myself kissing somewhere with a very clear background. saw this person from the side, she had long dark brown hair, I thought I found her a couple times, but no, Not until I was in my fifties (daw gone it) But so far, she was very much worth waiting for.) I have to say that when I reached that state of mind, it was so overpowering that I later thought I couldn’t remember what I wanted to do while I was ‘There”- if my life depended on it. Maybe if I’d been able to keep going that deep on a regular basis, I wouldn’t have been quite so overpowered and awestruck and I might have been able to go places and do things.

So, I’m an Experientialist, { If you haven’t experienced something, it doesn’t exist in your model of the world, this life or whatever. }

And part of my experientialist journey through this life time includes visiting previous lives in dreams. I’ve been to Paris (where I was an artist a couple of life times back, where my sister from this life was in love with a jerk who always had to be the centre of attention, she married him this time around, he turned out to be a complete jerk, hit her with his fists more than once and was last seen running up the street, afraid  for his life with the real love of my sister’s life hot on his heals.) India (where I was trying to get to see Emporer Krishna to tell him about somebody who was abusing power), Egypt (where I was initiated by meditating in pitch blackness at a particular spot beneath the Great Pyramid), and Atlantis ( where a sagacious masculine voice explained that I was trying to help the animal-human hybrids (( Cross breeding experiments, who had been used as slave labour )) ((( Edgar Cayce said they were referred to as the ‘Things” ))) . Several of them rebelled in a bid to gain the same rights as humans and while I was trying to bring them food and morale support, the army moved in and pushed them all over a very high cliff, and pushed me off with them. The very wise voice explained that this incident is what caused my rebellious streak, and leads me not to trust the military and authoritarian types in general. )

I’ve also dreamed about running out into the rain in pure elation on the banks of the Seine River in Paris and later saw photos that looked very much like what I dreamed.

I’ve gone to parts of this country I have never been to before and knew exactly what I would see on the other side of a mountain.

I have had my world shaken up in both positive and not so comfortable ways when meeting someone for the first time in this life and come to the conclusion that this person must have been important to me in a previous life.

I’ve also dreamed that I was being given a tour of ‘Heaven’ and I was extraordinarily disappointed because it looked way too much like this world. (( When I complained to somebody about that, I was reminded that Somebody said, “In my Father’s house, there are many mansions.” Which, my friend believed, means that there are all kinds of worlds and dimensions and levels. There may be areas of the Astral universe that look a lot like our physical universe. There are supposed to be three distinct universes, the physical, the astral and the causal. There may be something else beyond the Causal Universe, but we’re not supposed to know what that might be while we’re here. ))

Does this prove anything? Ask me when you see me “on the Other Side”. 🙂

——— d.j.o. ——