Oh Dangit – Too Much Good Information That Needs Sharing To Let Me Sleep –

Tuesday, August 9th, 2016 — 85°F / 29°F — Too hot with too much bright sunlight in Ithaca, NY @ 1:45 pm —

Ireland Jailed 3 Banksters. Why Haven't We.
Ireland Jailed 3 Banksters. Why haven’t we?

— If I took the time to get large screen shots of everything I thought was important in news feeds and twitter feeds today I’d never get to sleep.

US Intelligents reports that WikiLeaks is not an arm of Russian Intelligence.
U.S. Intelligence says WikiLeaks is not a political arm of Russian Intelligence.

— Those who believe – “It’s not illegal if you don’t get caught” want to vilify all good reporters. WikiLeaks is not your enemy. Dishonest, megalamaniacal, micro-managing – manipulative, power-crazy politicians ARE.

Krishnamurti quote. Labels are violence.
– Wish I’d said that – [ Wow ]
— Defining yourself is an act of violence? Holy Cow! Why didn’t I think of that? Calling yourself a Republican is vilifying all Democrats? Calling yourself a Democrat is demonizing all Republicans? “Ego is the human soul desperately trying to believe that it is limited to a human body and one short lifetime” < Jim Wellington > – That’s how I got mixed up with all this blogging and stuff – I’d always been a writer, I thought it was an obsession – This guy muttered one phrase at a writers’ workshop and blew a thousand of my most worrisome misconceptions all to hell. – No, I’m a truth seeker, embracing any truth I can verify and wanting to share that with all the rest of us lost and exhausted pilgrims desperately hungry and thirsting for Truth, Mercy, Spirituality, Personal Evolution – This is not an obsession, it’s a calling. I want to share everything that makes me feel good about being alive with everybody else who’s starving for peace of mind.

"Republican Refugees seek asylum in Democratic Party.
– This might be politically motivated nonsense, but it’s too funny to pass up.

— If reformed Republicans really want believe in themselves again and sleep nights (or days if their biological clocks are half as mixed up as mine is) – They’d be better off seeking asylum in the Green Party. Remember a Y2K bumper sticker with an animal that was half Donkey and half Elephant – a two headed ‘push me pull you’? Calling them “Republicrats”? Why keep voting for the same old [stinky stuff]? Haven’t we had enough of this nonsense? My wonderful, adorable daughter says, “Jeeze – it looks like everybody’s trying to drive back all human progress to the madness that started the first world war-” And she’s too young to remember the first Desert Storm idiocy.

Caterpillars can't understand butterflies.
“When she became a butterfly all the caterpillars shunned her-” ?

— Caterpillars can’t understand butterflies. Morons with their heads stuck up their Ice-Holes can’t understand anyone who isn’t as stupid and destructive and greedy as they are. Donald J Trump does not have a prayer of being able to understand anybody who believes in Bernie Sanders [ at least, not in this life ]. People who believe they have a right to destroy everybody else’s quality of living in pursuit of a little profit will never understand conservationists. Frackers will never understand anyone who wants to be able to drink pure, unpoisoned water. Oil Company executives will never want to understand why anybody would ever want to share renewable energy that costs almost nothing and provides better energy, more and better jobs, healthier people and a lot less stress than gasoline, gas and oil – { at least, not until it’s too late and they realize they’ve shot themselves in their own crotches }.

Lake Tahoe
On a less serious note –

— I thought it might be a good time to post a photo of a beautiful world that is not yet spoiled and poisoned by the [ snar ] coming to California from the Fukushima disaster. People who are not muzzled by lying unethical political motivation are warning that Fukushima’s radiation has already poisoned too much of the Pacific Ocean, we might already be beyond any hope of undoing the effects of some of the deadliest poison known to humans – { unless those rumoured aliens/angels come to our aid with their radiation eating technologies. Pray for help, guys – }

Leopards in Botswana.
This is a tribute to Jim and Cathi’s cat, Domino.

— Rest In Peace, Domino – you taught me that cats can be fun to play with.

Huge Hungarian Guard Dog
Now that’s one serious looking guard dog. { he said, flawlessly elucidating the painfully obvious – }

— Like I said, there’s much too much important looking information flying around the Tweet-Us-Sphere to ignore today. Most of it is probably based in truth. But, like always, don’t take my word for it. Get out there and investigate! Use your brain before it doesn’t even help your cranium in its function as hat rack.

— Please, God, Can I get some rest now?

——— djo ———